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problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:33 pm
by woopypants
Hello, I love this keyboard but and am having trouble with 2 things...

1. while in t9 mode, if I want to type the word "fog's" it comes up as "dog's". When I try to type the word 'fog' it comes up as dog, so I press the arrow button next on the right of the space bar so the word 'fog' is chosen, then I type the ' button and then the letter s, and it keeps changing fog back to dog! Can u please help me with this?

2. Also, when I type the word hello, the first word that appears in the suggestion bar is 'gdjjm' is there a way to remove this word as I know I will never use it and it takes up room on my screen?


Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:08 am
by NickC
1. Have you tried adding fog's to the User Dictionary?

2. Check the User Dictionary for the word gdjjm. It's possible you accidentally entered that jumble of letters as a word to the User Dictionary while typing fast or something. I've done that - especially if I have Learn New Words enabled.

Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:37 am
by woopypants
hi nick, thanks for your reply.

i was just using the words "fog's" and "hello" as an example.

as for problem number one, i could be typing anyword and then when i want to add the "'s" (after selecting the word from the suggestion bar which is not the first suggested word) and as soon has i press apostrophe and s, it reverts the word back to the first suggested word. so there is not really any point to adding 'fog's to the dictionary as i rarely use that word, it was just one i was using as an example, and i was hoping there was an easier way of doing it rather than adding it to the user dictionary.

and with problem number 2, i tried turning off 'learn new words' as i thought it might get rid of the suggestion to the left of the first highlighted word in the suggestion bar, but its still there. i dont know if i have explained it properly but when u type the word EXAMPLE, do u get the letters DWAMPJD displayed to the left in the suggestion bar? i would like to know if there is somehow i can remove that first weird suggested word.

anyway thanks for replying to my question :D

Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:32 am
by silverspear
I agree with the thread starter. there are many words that sometimes uses the apostrophe and "s" along with it. For me i use it often with names. And i encounter this problem as well.

for eg: i have a friend whose name is "Andrielle". it's a custom name, so whenever i type the apostrophe after this name, the whole entry reverts to "Amdpgdjjd' ". quite frustrating.

Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:15 pm
by NickC
I see what you are saying. Pressing the apostrophe or dash changes the word to whatever is on the left, even though that is not the default auto-corrected word.

Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:12 pm
by chtamina

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:05 pm
by tonyzman
Same issue, and same question as the thread starter.

Re: problem using the apostrophe in certain words

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:25 pm
by tmiv44
An easy solution is to just turn the phone and go into full Qwerty mode when you're typing a complex word. another option is to type the name/word, press space then backspace, then 's. when you backspace into a word it turns off the auto-suggest. I know those aren't solutions to the problem, but a good work around.
