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Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:21 pm
by lexunus
@blahblah I've switched to HTC Incredible S finally after failing to find good multi-lingual keyboard for Desire Z.
Good luck for you

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:16 am
by SimWhite
Cyrill, I would like to reopen this thread. Now I using version 2.3.3 version, "language" button still doesn't work. Also, what about russian keyboard layout without transliteration?
UPD: Now I using Cyanogenmod-7, language button is working! Cool! But we really need native layout.

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:02 pm
by cyril
To progress on this, can you please give me the keycode (see above in this thread to know how to do this) for all the Russian letters?
I have a Desire Z too but it's a French version and some keys are different so I'm not sure I can rely on the keycodes of my keyboard (especially for ж and э)

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:15 pm
by cyril
Here is a wiki page explaining how to do it:

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:08 am
by alfred123
Hello All Experts,

my HTC Desire Z was bought with a Netherland/Belgium Firmware but i operate it in german Language. It came therefore with a AZERTY Keyboard Layout which would't be a problem if i was able to change the prediction language of the hardware keyboard typing to german. But the problem is that this is only possible for french and english in the installed OS.

I read a lot of posts talking about the following solutions:
1. Change Hardware Keyboard Mapping (Still prediction missing)
2. Run some other firmware (Not sure if original firmware or overclocking is done to that firmware)

My Questions:

Is there a possible way of adding german spell prediction by a file to the system? If the mapping is only a file this should be possible.

Can someone point me to the original german 1.72 firmware which is still able to be updated (german delivery OS - without any modification).

Thank you all

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:04 pm
by cyril
Maybe just use Smart Keyboard, which gives you prediction with the hard keyboard for any language ;)

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:21 am
by blahblah
cyril wrote:To progress on this, can you please give me the keycode (see above in this thread to know how to do this) for all the Russian letters?
I have a Desire Z too but it's a French version and some keys are different so I'm not sure I can rely on the keycodes of my keyboard (especially for ж and э)
Sure, thanks a lot!

I've made a table of keys and keycodes (order is from left to right, from up to down):

Code: Select all

ru      ru2     en      +fn     keycode
ё               @       ~       77
й               q       1       45
ц               w       2       51
у               e       3       33
к               r       4       46
е               t       5       48
н               y       6       53
г               u       7       49
ш               i       8       37
щ       х       o       9       43
з       ъ       p       0       44
[DEL/BACKSPACE]                 67
[TAB]                           61
ф               a       !       29
ы               s       #       47
в               d       $       32
а               f       %       34
п               g       &       35
р               h       *       36
о               j       (       38
л               k       )       39
д               l       /       40
[ENTER]                         66
[FN]                            57
[MENU]                          82
я               z       £       54      
ч               x       €       52
с               c       _       31
м               v       -       50
и               b       +       30
т               n       =       42
ь               m       '       41
б               ?       "       105
ю               ;       ?       74
э               :               97
[SHIFT]                         59
[SEARCH]                [1]     84
.               .       ,       56
[SPACEBAR]                      62
ж                               17
[APP KEY 1]                     92
[APP KEY 2]                     93
[SHIFT 2]                       99
There's an additional column - ru2 - it means that in Russian layout if you press that button two times, it switches the first letter to the second.
I mean, one press of keycode 43 button prints "щ", two presses remove "щ" and print "х". the same with the keycode 44 button - one press is "з", two presses is "ъ".

[APP KEY]s aren't used for anything (by pressing them an Android popup window appears: "Keyboard shortcuts: Would you like to assign a shortcut to this hardware key?" and then there's ability to assign an app or a shortcut).
On the [SEARCH] button I've made a note ([1]) - when FN pressed, it pops up a character pallete.
[SHIFT 2] is used to switch languages, it'd be very useful.

There's a photo of an actual official Russian HTC Desire Z:
(maybe it would be helpful for you)

Sadly I'm no longer on the stock Desire Z ROM, so I'm not able to look up more about Russian keyboard layout (I've probably forgot about some russian fn keys), but I'll try to install a stock ROM today and I'll edit that post.
(edit: I've installed the stock ROM and the table above seems to be accurate, I haven't found any mistakes)

Here's the lowercase/uppercase Russian letters, maybe it would help too. It's just Shift+Keypress.

Code: Select all

Thanks a lot!

Re: HTC Desire Z hardware keyboard

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:43 pm
by Pattinson
Can someone please help.. I have a HTC desire Z and since last night the flip out keyboard has been behaving strange. Everytime I type certain letters it does different functions, for example when I type a 'S' it will save message to drafts and 'B' takes me to internet explorer. It has never done this before and I have no assigned any keyboard shortcuts, some letters are fine and others aren't.

Has anyone had this problem before or knows how to solve it? It's driving me insane!

Thanks :)