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HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:53 pm
by eViL D:
Just got my HTC Desire and was thinking, an MT keyboard would be awesome. Somebody on Twitter mentioned Smart Keyboard Pro (1.27), so I promptly jumped on. HOWEVER, multi-touch DOES NOT seem to work..... at least on my Desire. I'm not sure if this is a bug, just needs support implemented or that the Desire currently can't do it. Please though, let me know. It would be super useful to have MT, I mean SUPER. That being said, I'll have to go back to Swype (sorry) in the mean time.

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:58 pm
by cyril
And can you explain what doesn't work ? The Desire has Android 2.1, so it's supposed to work (unless the screen doesn't support it, but it would be really strange)

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:06 pm
by eViL D:
Well, when pressing a key with my left thumb and it's still on the key, if I try to press any other key with my right thumb, the right thumb key does not register. The keyboard will just insert the ALT version of the left thumb press. Now, that's just testing. In real world, just typing normal (which MT should provide) and thumbs being on key simultaneously (because this happens), keys are not registered.

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:11 pm
by cyril
There is something you can check: kill the keyboard (by changing the input method and back, for instance), and check in the phone logs (with adb tool if you have it, or "Log Collector" app) if you see the following line:
I/SmartKbd(18161): No multitouch API
If you see it, it means the Desire doesn't have multitouch and there is nothing which can be done to fix it (unless you flash a custom ROM)
If you don't see it, there is another problem, but I need a Desire to know what ;)

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:20 pm
by eViL D:
No, logcat doesn't not say that when I switch back.

D/SmartKeyboard( 8005): Loading contacts
D/SmartKeyboard( 8005): Loading autotext dictionary.
I/SmartKeyboard( 8005): Loaded frequencies in 1msec
I/SmartKeyboard( 8005): Loaded dictionary in 10msec

*going to actually restart the device to see if it helps.

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:25 pm
by eViL D:
Ok, reboot worked! Is there something that says, you should restart your device? Me, being in IT, it should have been the first thing I tried.... duh. Anyway, hopefully this will help others.

**BTW, typing is SUPER fast. Great app!

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:23 pm
by cyril
Indeed I just tested on a HTC Desire and multitouch is broken (in all apps) until the phone is restarted. I have no clue at all why it does this, maybe a bug in the version of android customized by HTC... I will add this to the FAQ, hope people will read it!

Re: HTC Desire & Multi-touch (MT not working)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:10 am
by archiecoles80
Yes exactly this problem is occurring in my htc smart.