SKP types in additional characters w/ RTL languages [Solved]

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SKP types in additional characters w/ RTL languages [Solved]

Post by TS601 »

Hey all,

I have seen this behavior for quite a while now, and I really can't understand what could this be attributed to.

As it's a bit hard to describe the issue without demonstrating here, I've made sequential screenshots of the behavior; it can be found here: . Each screenshot represents additional input of a letter.

As you can see from the screenshot, when I press the first button of a word, nothing happens, except that the cursor suddenly moves to the next row (cursor invisible here). Afterwards, when I input the second letter, the cursor goes another row down, and the software inputs the first letter I pressed before and the second letter I pressed just now. It keeps on going. Inputting the third letter somehow brings up the signature up to the first row and inputs all previously pressed letters.

Essentially, the behavior is this:
If I want to input the word 'Test'.
Step 1: T
Step 2: TTe
Step 3: TTeTes
Step 4: TTeTesTest

As far as I can see, this behavior does not occur with other keyboards (such as Samsung Keypad or Gingerbread Keyboard). The issue also seems to occur only within the built-in Email application. If before inputting Hebrew I switch the language, type in few characters in an LTR language, then switch to RTL and type in the wanted characters - the behavior does not occur.

The phone is Samsung Galaxy S, using DarkyROM 10.2 (although the issue repeats in same fasion on other ROMs as well). The Android version is 2.3.4.

Any ideas? I'm totally out.

Last edited by TS601 on Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SKP types in additional characters w/ RTL languages (Heb

Post by cyril »

It looks like Samsung email client doesn't handle composing words properly (amongst other bugs...). Can you try with and without "always suggest" option? (though I'm not sure it will help)
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Re: SKP types in additional characters w/ RTL languages (Heb

Post by TS601 »


Thanks a lot for your reply,

Today, I finally figured what the issue was. Apparently, many custom ROMs - especially ones based on 2.3.4 - are not playing nicely w/ RTL languages, hence the issue. I went back to a 2.3.3 ROM (even though some of those are bad in this respect) and it works great.

Thanks a lot!
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