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Feature Request to help getting smart ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:14 am
by Jesmugge
Thanks for the absolutely best keyboard in Android Market :D

I'm from Denmark and have a request that I think would help a lot.
So the feature that adds new words to user dictionary by holding on the word is NICE.
Could a similar feature be used with the smart dictionary, so when I'm typing "no" with T9 but more often use "on" could I hold the "on" and then smart dictionary know that this is my preferred word in the future :)

This could also kill the problem with danish, where pressing "4" gives G and not I, and it seems to never change.

So please consider this suggestion :)



Re: Feature Request to help getting smart ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:49 pm
by NickC
I like this idea! Smart Keyboard already does change the preferred word based on frequency but sometimes it's hard to tell how frequent the word must be entered before Smart Keyboard will switch to that as the default.

Your suggestion would effectively *force* it to prefer the new word, so that would be helpful!